Cognitive flexibility

A little theory

Cognitive flexibility refers to the ability to adapt one's thinking or behavior in response to changing situations or new challenges. This involves being able to change perspective, modify strategies and explore new solutions when necessary.

How to develop it

To develop cognitive flexibility through play, it's important to choose activities that encourage children to explore a variety of approaches and think creatively. Strategic board games, such as chess, offer children the opportunity to practice cognitive flexibility by anticipating their opponents' moves and adjusting their strategies accordingly.

Cognitive psychology professor Dr. Ellen Winner emphasizes the importance of cognitive flexibility in children's development: "The ability to think flexibly and adapt to change is essential for effective problem-solving and success in life. Games offer a playful and engaging way for children to develop this crucial skill" (Winner, E. "How Art Works: A Psychological Exploration", 2019).

In addition, child psychologist Dr. David Whitebread highlights the link between cognitive flexibility and creativity: "Cognitive flexibility is a key element of creative thinking. Children who are able to think flexibly are more likely to generate original and innovative ideas" (Whitebread, D. "The Importance of Play: A Report on the Value of Children's Play with a Series of Policy Recommendations", 2012).

Think of games as superhero training for your brain! By playing games that require cognitive flexibility, such as quickly changing strategy or switching from one task to another, your children develop a super skill: that of being agile and adaptable in everyday life, and even at school. These games are like training grounds where children can have fun while becoming experts in flexibility. By exercising their cognitive flexibility, children will be able to meet any challenge with greater success.


Winner, E. "How Art Works: A Psychological Exploration", 2019.

Whitebread, D. "The Importance of Play: A Report on the Value of Children's Play with a Series of Policy Recommendations", 2012.