A little theory...
Language is one of the most important achievements of early childhood. Language as a new tool opens up new possibilities for social understanding, learning about the world and communicating experience, pleasures and needs. Then, during the first three years of school, children take another important step in language development by learning to read. These two areas are distinct, yet linked. Indeed, a relationship has been established between early language skills and later mastery of reading.
Further information
Collective (unknown). Langage et littératie chez l'enfant en service de garde éducatif, Presse de l'Université du Québec, 198 pages.
Desmarais, S. (2010). Guide du langage de l'enfant de 0 à 6 ans, Éditions Quebecor.
Thériault, J., Lavoie, N. (2004). L'éveil à la lecture et à l'écriture, une responsabilité familiale et communautaire, Éditions Logiques.
Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network http://www.cllrnet.ca/index-fr.html
Ordre des orthophonistes http://www.ooaq.qc.ca/
Government of Quebec
Article on this topic based on...
Jamieson, D. G., Language development in young children, Canadian Council on Learning, Bulletin June 2007.
Jonhston, J., Factors influencing language development, University of British Columbia,(publication on internet March 9, 2005)
Rescorla, L., The language development survey: a screening tool for delayed language in toddlers, journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 1989, 54(4), 587-599.
Rvachew , S. , Synthèse sur le développement du langage et l'alphabétisation , McGill University, Canada. (Internet publication October 31, 2005) (2nd revised edition September 10, 2010)
Tamis-LeMonda, C. and Rodiguez, E., Rôle des parents pour favoriser l'apprentissage et l'acquisition du langage chez les jeunes enfants, New York university (Internet publication March 27, 2008, revised December 4, 2009)
Thériault, J. (inconnu). L'émergence de l'écrit ou l'éveil du jeune enfant à la lecture et à l'écriture.