
Educational classification

Have fun learning more about the importance of play in child development.

The specialists' point of view

Learn more about the contribution of educational games to cognitive development from psychoeducators,
and other educational experts.

Apprendre en s’amusant, c’est gagnant!

Learning while having fun wins!

Learning while having fun isn't just a phrase from an advertising jingle. It's much more than that. In fact, learning with fun should simply be a way of life.Educators, teachers,...

Learning while having fun wins!

Learning while having fun isn't just a phrase from an advertising j...

La collection Ludo & Méninge pour apprendre en jouant!

The Ludo & Méninge collection for fun learning!

Ludo & Méninge is a collection of educational games for children aged 5 to 12, as well as for the whole family. It's a unique collection featuring games created by...

The Ludo & Méninge collection for fun learning!

Ludo & Méninge is a collection of educational games for childre...

La mémoire : une faculté que l'on oublie!


Memory is a faculty that can be called upon in many ways. The elements that enter our memory are perceived through our five senses. Memorized elements must be well organized...


Memory is a faculty that can be called upon in many ways. The eleme...

Le langage


Every moment set aside for structuring language is precious to a person's development, at any age. The Dans ma valise... game has been designed to give you plenty of opportunity...


Every moment set aside for structuring language is precious to a pe...